Free dakes annoteted reference bible
Free dakes annoteted reference bible

free dakes annoteted reference bible

Bible and secular history are harmonized as well as the Gospels. Alleged contradictions and seeming diflficulties of the text are made clear.

free dakes annoteted reference bible

Parables, types, symbols, fables, allegories, figures of speech and numerous idioms are dealt with. Obsolete and difficult English words are defined.

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Important Hebrew and Greek words are given with definitions and various ways translated. Thousands of texts are amplified and there are many renderings from various versions.

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All questions of the text and the prophecies are numbered in the side-columns and quotations from the O. Special features include nearly 9,000 informative headings which divide the text and give a complete outline to all the Books of the Bible 500,000 crossreferences throughout 35,000 notes and comments a summary of interesting facts at the end of each Book the text emphasized with underlining where helpful and lists of all the commands, prophecies, promises, prayers, questions, sins, apostasies, complaints, failures, plagues, judgments, healings, wars, miracles, assassinations, kings, queens, dukes, lakes, rivers, farm products, valleys, mountains, cities, empires, nations, etc. PREFACE The purpose of this work is to give in ONE volume the helps a student of the Bible needs from many books - Bible Commentaries, Atlas, Dictionary, complete Concordance, Dispensational Truth, Topical Text Book, Bible Synthesis, Doctrines, Prophetic Studies, and others. whose help on this work I gratefully acknowledge. DEDICATED To my wife, Dorothy, and our children - Finette, Rhoda Annabeth, and Finis, Jr. You may also be interested in other works by Finis Dake available from Accordance.This book made available by the Internet Archive. The Bible Notes of this module can be linked to run in parallel with any Accordance Bible translation. It contains all the Notes and References of the printed version. Note: While the printed version of this Study Bible contains the biblical text, this module does not include the biblical text. Dispensational issues are treated in a systematic fashion, along with hundreds of details of biblical prophecy. In addition, parables, types, symbols, allegories and figures of speech are dealt with. Greek and Hebrew words and idioms are handled. Ancient customs are explained, along with matters of history, culture and geography. Yet it’s not just the number of notes, references and headings that set the Dake Bible apart. With 35,000 commentary notes, 500,000 cross/chain references and 9,000 outline headings, the Dake Bible gives you more resources for personal study than you’ll find in any other Bible. More than twenty years of painstaking research went into it. This book is like no other study Bible on the market. An upgrade to the Dake Reference Library (which adds 8 Dake modules) is available.

Free dakes annoteted reference bible